Learn how to step with us!
Soul Steps offers community workshops that are appropriate for all ages and experience levels. Both one-day workshops and multiple sessions are available and workshops can be tailored to suit specific themes as requested. Beginner workshops explore the basics of step movement through group and solo exercises that culminate in self-generated choreography. Some classes may also incorporate the history of step and traditional techniques, dating back to step’s early roots in South African gumboot dancing. Intermediate and advanced workshops include spoken word, complex choreography, and non-traditional percussive instruments. Youth workshops focus heavily on the principles of leadership, discipline, team support and communication which are embodied in the step culture, and these workshops usually culminate in a final step performance where participants share the choreography they have been working on and lead their peers in a brief workshop demonstration. For further information about workshops please contact mlyle@soulsteps.com.

Soul Steps in Cameroon leading a lecture-demonstration.